This blog was created to update and inform my fellow family members and friends about my experiences in Honduras. After recently reviewing all my blog entries I have come to realize what an incredible opportunity I had and how fortunate I was to have experienced everything. A few friends have told me that they would love to go travel however time does not allow for such a thing. I say, why not?! After graduating from Davis, I could have started working and studying, yet I found that taking these past months off to dedicate myself to service was a refreshing break so that I can continue my studies and pursue my dreams. I do not regret my time spent in Honduras because I have met amazing individuals who have taught me a lot about myself and life in general.
To conclude I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a catalyst to my efforts spent in Honduras.
Fred Fox: for showing me that money should not be the reason why we don't pursue our goals.
Lucho and Marion Boddy: For your Latin American connections and taking care of Jesus.
Patti Robarts, Karen Devine, Brenda Nichols: For your donations and time.
Francesca and Lee: For your donations and support.
Riaz Parsiani: For giving me the idea of service as a break and your support
Terrance Murphy: For your mentorship, your guidance and caring heart.
Sandra: For your donation and love for the cause.
Ndahiro: For your support and believing in my goals.
UC Davis Crossfit Club: For supporting me and enduring those wonderful wods for my fundraising competition.
Bayan Association: For taking me in as a volunteer and giving me a home. I admire everything your NGO is striving for and will definitely keep in contact to send more your way.
Honduran Red Cross: For providing me with such amazing volunteer opportunities and meeting a fantastic group of young individuals who want to change their society.
Ene-gym (Cesar): For letting me go crazy with the weight lifting and allowing me to train others in Crossfit on the side.
Helping Honduran Kids/Jungle School: For letting my heart burn with loving kindness. I love and miss all of those bright young children and cannot wait to see what their futures hold for them.
Dr. Rick Owens: For teaching me how to use an ultrasound as well as fixing my knee. I can run fast now! Also thank you for the wonderful conversations, we had fun in the vein clinic.
Dr. Ken Bielak: For enduring a 5am spinning class, fasting with me, and being an amazing mentor. I admire your career and cannot wait to follow in your footsteps.
Dr. Bersani, Dr. Walley, Dr. Bob, and the eye team: For teaching me how to suture and allowing me to be your assistant on such delicate surgeries. As well as advising me on my medical journey.
Dr. Jeff Patterson: For explaining me the DO process and sharing your story so that I can now consider the DO path.
The Prolo/vein team: Thank you for helping me refresh my anatomy and learn how to treat patients in a rural and international setting. Thank you also for sharing your stories to medicine and inspiring me to continue on my journey.
Sonia and Gustavo Vargas Wills: For opening up your home to me and treating me as your own daughter. I can't even begin to express my gratitude for all that your family has done for me.
Soheil, Irma Nelly, Bahiyyih, Tahereh, and Azar: Thank you for exposing me to the Honduran culture and sharing your lives with me. I am so happy to have met you and cannot wait to see you in the future. Thank you for opening your home to me when I was living in Bayan and for helping me serve the Ceiban community.
Carlotta Elizabeth Vargas Wills: For being the best friend I could have ever asked for as well as the most trustworthy sister. You made me feel like a true Honduran by introducing me to your friends, taking me out, and making me feel part of the family. I will always miss our late night HIMYM sessions and food indulgences. Te quiero mucho mi hermanita.
I want to send a big thanks to all my friends I have made in La Ceiba because without you guys I wouldn't of had such an amazing time. As well as my friends and family in the states who kept in touch and kept me sane throughout this whole ordeal. I definitely never felt more loved than when I received my welcome back hugs.
Until the next journey. Thank you for reading. :)
My First Grade Class at the Jungle School. June 12, 2013.